Sunday, February 11, 2007

Markan Controversy Stories

The Gospel of Mark
Markan Controversy Stories

First Cycle
A. Forgiving Sinners 2:1-12
(opponents: Scribes)

B. Eating With Sinners 2:13-17
(opponents: Scribes of Pharisees)

C. Fasting 2:18-22
(opponents: Disciples of John & Pharisees)

D. Plucking Grain On Sabbath 2:23-28
(opponents: Pharisees)

E. Healing Withered Hand 3;1-6
(opponents: Pharisees and Herodians)

A and E deal with Jesus healing people; B and D concern themselves with legal questions about eating; C has to do with fasting which constitutes the central story. The fasting story C emphasizes the newness and power of Jesus which established him as Lord of the sabbath, and one who can interpret laws about eating and feeding.

Second Cycle

A. Jesus and Beelzebul 3:20-28
(opponents: Scribes)

B. Eating With Unclean Hands 7:1-23
(opponents: Pharisees and Scribes)

C. Questions About Divorce 10:1-12
(opponents: Pharisees)

Third Cycle

A. Questions of Authority 11:27-33
(opponents: chief priests, Scribes, Elders)

B. Question of Taxes to Caesar 12:13-17
(opponents: Pharisees and Herodians)

C. Healing Withered Hand 3;1-6
(opponents: Pharisees and Herodians)

D. Questions of Greatest Commandment 12:28-34
(opponents: one Scribe)

E. Question of David’s Son 12:35-37
(opponents: Scribes)

Cycle 3 has a concentric pattern. A and E deal with judgments against authorities. B and C concern legal disputes over God and neighbor, and God and Caesar. The central episode is the controversy over the resurrection. What it says about it establishes the power of Jesus evident in the other controversies.

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